A place for blessings

This afternoon the BBC weather forecast for Romiley was spot on. 14 Celcius and a fine drenching drizzle. A lot better than the weather forecast for tomorrow. Nevertheless, disappointing for the couple, friends and family, gathering at Chadkirk this afternoon and evening. They will receive a blessing in the historic and intimate chapel, followed by celebrations on the lawn beside the walled garden. The marquee is festooned with the flags, bunting of Union Jacks and the French Tricolor. Inside there will be warmth, good cheer and celebration, shelter and comfort regardless of the weather.

Before the blessing, Friends of Chadkirk gather too. There’s weeding to be done. Nicotiana seedlings are transplanted. Pots of red, white and blue petunias are planted.
Much of the work is done by volunteers. But by no means all of it….

Volunteers and staff will meet for a social get together on 14th June.

On Saturday 16th June it’s the plant sale. This is an opportunity to buy healthy plants at reasonable prices. Money raised contributes to the up keep of the garden. Those who visit the gardens benefit and those who buy the plants go home with bargains. Win-win.

The plant sale begins at 2.30 on the lawn to the west of the walled garden.


Healthy plants at bargain prices