ChadKirk Chapel Updates

News and updates from the Friends of Chadkirk

Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Annual general meeting 2025

Annual general meeting 2025 minutes. Date: Thursday 6 March 2025, time: 11:00, venue: Chadkirk Chapel.

Meeting: Thursday 06 March 2025
Time: 11:00
Venue: Chadkirk Chapel

Annual general meeting 2025 minutes


Pat Baker (President), John Pengelly (Chairman), Brian Thompson (Treasurer), Roger Pearce (Secretary), Angie Clark, Frances Holmes, Wendy Southam.

The meeting was also attended by twelve members of the Friends of Chadkirk

Apologies:  Catherine Buzsard, Peter Labrow and Ann Pearce

JP opened the meeting by welcoming all attendees and saying that, as there was quoracy, the meeting could proceed.

Minutes of 6 February 2025

There were no matters arising

Chairman’s annual report

  • JP said since taking over the main responsibility in 2021 for much of the activity which took place in the chapel and estate, the Friends of Chadkirk had been able to manage and run every open day. He gave especial thanks for all the work that had been done over the years by both the gardening and kiosk teams.

  • He outlined the extra events of the past year and highlighted the Easter service and egg hunt, the well dressing, the photo contest marking the death of member Mark Matthews and the carol service conducted despite there being a complete power cut.

  • During the year, the Tai Chi group had continued to hold its weekly meetings in the chapel and the premises were used for the AGM of Stockport Hydro.

  • For the first time, a volunteers’ evening had been held at the Railway Inn as a way of thanking everyone who had contributed. This had proved to be a great success.

Treasurer’s report

BT tabled the financial report. He began by thanking JP for becoming more involved in some of the routine financial processes on open days; the float was prepared, a record made of income and expenses, and monies deposited at the bank.

Committee members’ reports

  • FH spoke to the tabled kiosk report

  • RP said that there was now a full entertainment programme for open days and the well dressing weekend in July

  • PB said that she was in the process of buying plants with the bequest from the estate of Mark Matthews. Also, that, rather than fortnightly, the gardening team now met every Thursday thanks to PR supervising every alternate week. The group also met monthly on the first Saturday. Throughout the winter there were about ten volunteers each week with more joining in the warmer months.

  • AC announced that there would be an initial well dressing planning meeting on Tuesday 08 April at 7.00 in the chapel. Following the suggestion by BB, AC said that she would send out an email prior to the meeting inviting suggestions for the theme of this year’s display.

  • WS said that there were now 85 members, and new members would be welcome with volunteers getting free membership. In addition, there were some 1,000 followers on Facebook.

  • JP concluded this item with a thank-you for the contributions of all the committee.

Election of committee members

There being no other candidates, the existing committee members were re-elected for a further year. The vote was unanimous.

  • Pat Baker (President)

  • John Pengelly (Chairman)

  • Brian Thompson (Treasurer)

  • Roger Pearce (Secretary)

  • Angie Clark

  • Frances Holmes

  • Wendy Southam

In his absence, Peter Labrow was also re-elected to the committee.

Amendments to the constitution


Membership subscription/frequency

No change


  • Covid Memorial Path – there had been a proposal to upgrade the footpath to make it pushchair and wheelchair friendly. This project has recently gone rather slowly since the member of SMBC staff with whom we were liaising, had left his post. It is hoped that Daryll Falconer (SMBC) will keep the project going and, at the same time, AC would follow up this matter with SMBC

  • Balcony cupboards – FH was keeping this going despite some problems

  • Font floor tiling – CB had scoped this project but was still awaiting a final decision from SMBC

  • Relationship with SMBC – of late, this had lost momentum and was proving difficult especially when, often, communications with SMBC did not receive a reply

  • Hidden man – AC passed onto JP the details of a glazier who had offered to help replace the glass cover of this display.

  • Chapel access – JH asked about access to the Chapel via the path that ran directly from the car park. JP said that this route was usually locked off because of its proximity to the farmhouse but it can be used for volunteers to access the farmyard storage buildings.

  • Printing – BB asked that some assistance was needed in the printing of forms for the bat and bird box event; AC said that she would assist in the printing.

  • Well dressing – FH requested that members donate tombola prizes on any open Day between now and the Well Dressing. Regarding this matter it was also mentioned that on the last Sunday in July, Romiley Young Farmers were holding their show, and this might create congestion and other difficulties as far as car parking was concerned; JP and AC would meet with the RYF organiser, Elaine Taylor, to plan to minimise problems.

Next meetings

  • FoC committee 1900 hrs Thursday 3 April at Beech Lane

  • FoC members 1900 hrs in the chapel – NB start time

  • Meeting closed at 1210 hrs

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

FrIends of Chadkirk committee meeting February 2025

Minutes of the Chadkirk committee meeting held on Thursday 5 February 2025.

Meeting: Thursday 05 February 2025

Time: 19:00

Venue: Beech Lane


Pat Baker (President), John Pengelly (Chairman), Roger Pearce (Secretary),   Frances Holmes, Wendy Southam.


Angie Clark, Peter Labrow, Brian Thompson (Treasurer).

Chairman’s Report

JP said that:

  • the January Open Day had been busier than expected and that, in preparation, RP had used super-glue to seal some of the cracks in the donations vase which was on the verge of falling to pieces.

  • the Volunteers’ Evening at the Railway had proved a great success and also we were particularly grateful for the contribution made to the event by James Gansler. The costs had worked out at about £10/head.

  • SMBC had visited the Chapel Estate with regard to the footpath project – more on this below.

  • With regard to Grant applications there was little to report in that in the last few months much of the focus had necessarily been on Christmas events.

Treasurer's Report

In BT’s absence, JP presented the Treasurer's Report. The financial position remained healthy with reserves held in readiness for expenditure on up-coming projects. A full report on annual financial performance would be made at the coming AGM.

Garden Report

PB said that much of the maintenance work was on-going and that a re-planting programme was planned for several of the beds in the garden. Some of the grass would be allowed to mature and paths would be made through them with a strimmer.

When JP asked what the situation was with the Coronation Meadow, PB replied that hopefully it would be more effectively managed this year and an appropriate programme of first having cattle there, then allowing the grass to grow and wild seeds develop before being cut and shared around so that the seeds could be propagated over a wider geographic area.

Kiosk Report

FH tabled the Kiosk Team Report which detailed the planning for a number of Open Days during the rest of this year as discussed at the group’s last meeting. There were  also suggestions as to some of the other events that might be considered in addition to the Open Days. There was some discussion of these proposals and it was decided to try and firm up arrangements at the next committee meeting.

Publicity/social media

In the absence of PL, it was decided to defer this item.


WS said that there was nothing to report.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Ghost story night, 2024

I thought I would share a few pictures and thoughts of the ghost story night, held last Friday (13 December).

As ever, the evening was run by our amazing volunteers – and it was quite an amount of work to prepare the event. Our kiosk team provided the refreshments, I was aided by John and my wife Ruth setting up the chapel the day before. One the evening the whole team helped to run the event and then put everything away at the end. The large candelabra was provided by Judith, and it really helped to set the scene. I think you’ll agree it looked amazing.

We were again fortunate to have both Colin Sykes and Janette Sykes join myself in telling the stories. Colin has a long career in journalism, including as a BBC presenter. Janette is also a highly experience journalist. Both are wonderful performers and we thank them for bringing their time and talent to the event.

Telling ghost stories at Christmas was a Victorian Christmas tradition – although it’s something that has taken place for many years before. The Victorians view Christmas a little differently to use – yes, a festive time, but also a period of closeness to the spirit world. Close to the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, this was seen as a time when the barrier between the worlds of the living and the dead was at its thinnest – making ghostly apparitions seem at least possible.

Charles Dicken is, in many ways, the man who invented much of how we now see Christmas. He wrote many ghost stories, and his classic ‘A Christmas Carol’ blended both the spirit of the season and the supernatural in a way which not only set into place how we think about Christmas but also popularised the telling of ghost stories during the holiday season.

During that period, and for some time before and since, there was an explosion of writing tales of the supernatural. Except to enthusiasts like me, much that writing is unknown to many people. Yes, we’ve all heard of writers such as MR James, Bram Stoker and Edgar Allan Poe, but there were many, many other popular writers.

We drew the core of the performance from that time, but also added a modern tale by Ray Bradbury. The set list was: The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe; The Marble Hands, by Bernard Capes; The Crowd, by Ray Bradbury, The Four-Fingered Hand, by Barry Pain; The Mystery of the Semi- Detached, by Edith Nesbit; A Vine on a House, by Ambrose Bierce; A Man Who Dwelt in a Churchyard, by MR James.

The event was free (as many of our events are) but we received a record amount in donations and our refreshments enjoyed brisk business. Other than costs, all time is donated free – and the income from the night, minus those costs, goes towards creating other events and our projects in the chapel and around the estate.

Thanks to all who took part and to everyone who came.

We also added more signatures to our petition to help us raise funds to improve the path around Chadkirk, making it accessible to all and safer to walk.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Please sign our petition to help get Chadkirk’s path’s repaired

The footpath around the Chadkirk fields is in desperate needs of repair, and the Friends of Chadkirk are seeking grant funding. Part of the criteria is to demonstrate Chadkirk's value to the community. We need your support to do this, by gathering signatures and support via this online petition. If you'd like to see improvements made to the path, please add your name and share this petition with others.

If you’d like to see the path around Chadkirk repaired, we need your support (and signature).

As those of you who walk around Chadkirk will have noticed, the path around the fields is in desperate need of repair. Rain floods even the good parts of the path, creating muddy puddles. Many parts of the path are eroded, rocky and uneven. Some parts of the path are too narrow for wheelchairs and pushchairs.

What the Friends of Chadkirk would like to see happen is for the path to be repaired, widened where possible – and made accessible. This will also include improved (accessible) gates and signage.

The council is prepared to put up some of the money required, if the Friends of Chadkirk will match the amount offered by them. We have some money set aside from your donations and income from the open days. However, this is a substantial and expensive project, and we are far from having the necessary funds.

To achieve this, we’re applying for funding from various sources. Part of the funding criteria is to show Chadkirk's value to the community. We really do need your support to do this – and it will only take a minute. If you'd like to see improvements made to the path, please sign our petition and share it with others.

Sign here, it will only take a minute

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Friends of Chadkirk Committee meeting December 2024

Meeting: Thursday 01 July 2024. Time: 19:00. Venue: Chadkirk Chapel.

Meeting: Thursday 5 December 2024
Time: 19:00
Venue: Beech Avenue



John Pengelly (Chairman), Roger Pearce (Secretary), Angie Clark, Frances Holmes, Peter Labrow. Wendy Southam. Apologies:  Pat Baker (President), Brian Thompson (Treasurer).

Chairman’s Report

JP said that there was not a great deal to report but many matters were ongoing. With a view to maintaining good relationships, he would prepare a letter for local residents giving details of up-coming events which might have an effect on traffic.

Treasurer's Report

Although BT could not be present, he had sent a report which was summarised by JP. The present financial situation was healthy; income remained steady and the bank balances in both the current and savings accounts were healthy and funds were being set aside for the footpath project and kiosk/toilet improvements.

Garden Report

PB was absent so no report was made. It was noted that the gardening group were installing a Christmas tree and would put up Christmas decorations in the Chapel on Saturday 08/12

Kiosk Report

FH tabled a report on the kiosk team; the kiosk had been fully staffed for the Open Day in November but as expected, attendance and takings were down because the weather was poor. The report also detailed planning regarding the balcony refurbishment and the meetings that had taken place with a carpenter. The refurbishment plans included:

  • New storage cupboards which would be below parapet level so not to be unsightly from the main body of the Chapel;

  • A cupboard would be provided for SMBC materials;

  • The cupboards immediately behind the parapet carving would be removed and replaced by black boards over exposed sections of the carvings – these boards would improve the appearance from ground level as well as provide structural to the carvings.

The plan also mentioned the making of a case for the Chadkirk Cross, fitting of handles on the toilet to improve disabled access, the replacement of some of the existing rubbish bins, a drop down baby-change shelf and a new bigger storage cupboard..

SMBC approval for the plan was still being sought and, if obtained, work would commence in early 2025.

The plan was fully debated and approved.

Events review/update

PL said that there was little to report that would not be covered later in the meeting. He did, however, mention that he had purchased a fog generating machine for use in the first instance during the performance at the Ghost Story Evening on 13th December. It might well have further uses, especially during the Wassail Evening.

With regard to the rejection of the footpath grant application, PL said that, to address one of the reasons given for the rejection, he would organise an on-line petition to invite public support.

Forthcoming Events

  • 8 December – Carol Services – AC reported that all preparations had been made as detailed in the 03 October minutes. She said that she had arranged with Ann Pearce to go to the Chapel on Saturday afternoon to make sure that the chairs and tables etc. were set-up.

  • December 13 - Friday 19.30,  – Ghost Story Night. PL said that he would undertake to prepare the Chapel earlier in the day.

  • Wassail 04 January 2025.  AC said that the Morris Dancers and the Green Man had been booked and that an addition this year would be a four-hander Mummers’ play to be performed in the round after the Morris Men’s performance; in keeping with tradition, this would be performed in verse.

  • JP said that the alcohol licence had been issued and that he was still awaiting a response from SMBC regarding the application for a road closure notice.

  • Volunteers’ Event 30 January 2025 – this would start at 7.00 pm and take place in the function room of Platform One (next to Romiley Station). Food offering will be pizza purchased from The Italian with some alternatives for those who do not like pizza. James Gansler would provide the music after the meal.

As agreed in the October meeting, on-duty committee members for December would be:

  • 08 December – Carol Services AC

  • 13 December – Ghost Story Night PL

  • 29 December Open Day FH


The current projects are on-going as touched upon above:

  • Font tiling – awaiting SMBC agreement.

  • Memorial Footpath – the initial application was rejected but a re-application is underway.

Balcony cupboards refurbishment and a wooden cover for the altar cross had been progressed as reported by FH. 


  • Calendar 2025 and 2026 . JP said that he would roll the calendar forward

  • Entertainment Plan 2025. RP said that he would co-ordinate this and report to the committee. It was agreed that any proposals for inviting groups would need to be channelled through him.

Meeting closed at 21.00

Next Meeting

FoC  Open meeting. 1100 hrs Thursday 09 January in the Chapel

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Open day – October 2024, all dressed for Halloween

Some photos from Sunday's open day at the chapel, taken by our volunteers - the chapel dressed for Halloween. A very busy day, with lots of visitors. If you were one of them, thanks for coming!

Some photos from Sunday's open day at the chapel, taken by our volunteers - the chapel dressed for Halloween. A very busy day, with lots of visitors. If you were one of them, thanks for coming!

It takes a fair bit of work to do something like this, so special thanks to our volunteers for setting this up and clearing it away.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Friends of Chadkirk meeting 3 Oct 2024 – minutes

Meeting: Thursday 03 October 2024

Time: 19:00

Venue: Beech Avenue

Attendance: Pat Baker (President), John Pengelly (Chairman), Roger Pearce (Secretary), Angie Clark,Peter Labrow. Wendy Southam

Apologies:  Brian Thompson (Treasurer), Frances Holmes.

Chairman’s Report

JP began by informing the committee that for personal health reasons he would probably be out of action until the new year and only able to be involved with FoC on a limited basis, furthermore, because of recent health developments, he had not been able to take forward a number of current issues. Applications for grants in support of the reinstatement of the footpath were underway.

The members of the committee all expressed their hope that he would make a swift recovery. A general discussion followed regarding a number of ongoing issues that were dealt with more fully later in the meeting.

Treasurer's Report

Although BT could not be present, he had sent a report which was summarised by JP. The present financial situation was healthy; income remained steady and the bank balances in both the current and savings accounts were healthy and funds were being set aside for the footpath project.

Garden Report

PB reported that: foxglove and other wild flower seeds were ready to be scattered in some of the woodland areas of the estate and around the footpath once it had been upgraded.

Kiosk Report

Generally all had progressed well although there were still some awkward situations working in conjunction with the SMBC Events Team; for example, after the wedding on Saturday 28 September, rubbish had not been cleared, there were no toilet rolls in the toilet and RP had had to remove paper towels form the toilet basin to ensure that the macerator unit was not blocked.

Events review/update

PL reported that the entertainment by the group Montgomery’s Angels on the previous Sunday had been very well received and donations were almost sufficient to cover costs.

Forthcoming Events

PL said that he had been in contact with a string quartet with a view to it either playing at an open day or doing a separate concert. It was generally agreed that there had been a number of groups who had provided entertainment this year and that in some cases it might be viable to invite them back to give a ticketed concert.

RP had been contacted by the group Bring On The Swing who had recently been reformed and were looking for gigs and that this might be one of the groups we invited back next year.

27 October Open Day

The theme for the October open day would be Halloween although

some of the activities provided last year would not be repeated, the woodland walk and the mystery tunnel, Catherine B would be asked if she would supervise the decoration of the chapel on the previous day and PL would send out publicity inviting children of all ages to come in fancy dress.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Chadkirk ‘Mark Matthews’ Photography Competition 2024

The entries for the Chadkirk ‘Mark Matthews’ Photography Competition 2024 - held in memory of Mark Matthews, a keen photographer who loved Chadkirk, who died last year. There is some fabulous work here from people of all ages.

Here are all of the entries for the Chadkirk ‘Mark Matthews’ Photography Competition 2024 - held in memory of Mark Matthews, a keen photographer who loved Chadkirk, who died last year. There is some fabulous work here from people of all ages. These include the winners, but I'll pop those into a separate post. We had two prize winners who each received a £50 Amazon voucher. Our thanks to Gavin Sturgeon of Dog Haus Creative for judging the entries.

Winner: adult category

Winner: adult category

Winner: under 16s category

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Chadkirk Artist of the Year 2024

Fabulous day yesterday at the Chadkirk Artist of the Year competition. The weather wasn't fantastic, no doubt leading to us having fewer artists than expected, but there were still enough to make it a spirited competition.

Fabulous day yesterday at the Chadkirk Artist of the Year competition. The weather wasn't fantastic, no doubt leading to us having fewer artists than expected, but there were still enough to make it a spirited competition. The work was outstanding - it's amazing how different people can look at the same things and create something that is so utterly different. The three winners stood out from some tough competition and, as with last year, it was very hard to narrow it down to the finalists. Well done and thank you for all who took part and made this such a great day - and thanks to everyone who came down to watch. Each of the winners went away with a £50 Amazon voucher. We also displayed the entries (and winners) in the Chadkirk ‘Mark Matthews’ Photography Competition 2024 - again, a great creative effort and two people won £50 Amazon vouchers.

Our thanks to local artists Sarah Riley and Pippa Hicks for helping judge the event.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Chadkirk well dressing 2024

Chadkirk’s well dressing took place on Saturday 27 July. Hundreds of people attended and, while the weather wasn’t its best, it kept mostly dry. The day was a great success and raised hundreds of pounds for Chadkirk.

Chadkirk’s well dressing took place on Saturday 27 July. Hundreds of people attended and, while the weather wasn’t its best, it kept mostly dry. The day was a great success and raised hundreds of pounds for Chadkirk.

The well dressing is Chadkirk’s largest community event. It centres around the blessing of the ancient well – a tradition which likely began in the late 1700s, although it is based on the veneration of wells, which took place for many hundreds of years before that.

Above photos courtesy of Gavin Sturgeon of Doghaus Creative, based in Romiley.

Running up to the day, our volunteers create the floral designs used to dress the well. This begins with a collaboration of ideas – this year’s was to celebrate Chadkirk’s industrial past. Designs are created first in pencil; then they are coloured as a reference for those who will create the panels. However, it is the availability of specific flowers, more than anything else, which dictates the final colours of the designs.

Damp clay is placed into wooden panels – it is damp so that the plants can live for as long as possible, and to allow them to be pressed easily into the panels. The pencil designs are placed over the panels, and pins are used to ‘trace’ the design onto the panel by creating pinpricks where the lines are. This provides an accurate framework within which to place the flowers and seeds which make up the design.

Finally, the flowers are pressed into place. The whole process takes a few days. The volunteers work incredibly hard; the work takes place within the chapel and members of the public are welcome to come along, visit, and join in. 

Early on the day, volunteers place the panels around the well – on a specifically made framework, built around the well’s sloping ground. 

Above photos by Peter Labrow

The well was blessed by Father Gregory Hallam, from St. Aidan's Orthodox Church, Manchester, accompanied by Stockport’s Major, Councillor Suzanne Wyatt. The Mayor was held up in traffic (well, it is Romiley!) so the blessing began before her arrival.

Above photos by Peter Labrow

Entertainment was provided by the Stockport Silver Band, Stockport Ukulele Players and Stockport Morris Men. There were stalls selling locally grown plants, second-hand books, cards, paintings, crafts and Chadkirk Comfrey Oil. Local community groups also took part; there was a making and crafting stall and, of course, a tombola!

It takes a lot of work to organise and run the day. Volunteers are on site from early in the morning, dressing the well, setting up gazebos, setting out the stalls, putting out road signs, preparing refreshments and so on. The road is closed for the blessing and the team uses walkie-talkies to manage the crowds and the traffic. All of the money raised goes to the Friends of Chadkirk and is used to provide entertainment on open days and for projects to help maintain and improve the Chapel, garden and estate. 

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Friends of Chadkirk COMMITTEE meeting July 2024

Meeting: Thursday 01 July 2024; Time: 19:00; Venue: Chadkirk Chapel.

Meeting: Thursday 01 July 2024
Time: 19:00
Venue: Chadkirk Chapel

Attendance: Pat Baker (President), John Pengelly (Chairman), Brian Thompson (Treasurer), Roger Pearce (Secretary), Angie Clark, Frances Holmes, Peter Labrow, Lesley Thompson.

Apologies:  Wendy Southam


Chairman’s Report

JP highlighted four areas:

  • Contact with SMBC. There was little to report here because there had been a change of personnel and it had proved difficult to establish a meeting which dealt with any substantial matters.

  • Public Liability Insurance. In making preparations for recent events, it was apparent that the levels of insurance cover might not be sufficient or adequately defined to cover public events. It had therefore seemed prudent to renew the policy to ensure public liability coverage.

  • Long-term plans. Although this was a difficult area because of there being so many unknowns in relation to the future of Chadkirk Estates, it was likely that there would be little prospect of a survival unless this were to be driven by the Friends of Chadkirk. A long discussion followed.

Treasurer's Report

BT tabled a paper showing the most recent income, present bank balances and giving comparisons with past performance. The present financial situation was healthy.

Garden Report

PB reported that:

  • Foxglove seeds were ready to be scattered in some of the woodland areas of the estate.

  • More plants would be purchased later in the year when they could be bought as sale items.

  • The bee-keeper was pleased with the state of the hives. Quite what was the connection between the FoC and the bee-keeper was not clear but, he would be made an honorary member of FoC to ensure that he would be covered by Public Liability Insurance when in the chapel.

Kiosk Report

FH tabled a detailed report. The well-dressing weekend had been a great success and even although the number of cakes ordered was greater than last year, there was still a need to buy extra supplies on the Saturday evening. A member of the kiosk team had put up some much-appreciated display material related to the well-dressing theme. The kiosk team would have appreciated more help from other volunteers to help set-up and clear away. This was an area which could be strengthened because the workload tended to fall on a small group.

Well Dressing Review

The event had been successful and although there had been some problems with the timing of events, these were beyond FoC control: length of ceremony and late arrival of the Mayor because of traffic delays.


  • Creation and mounting of the well dressing panels

  • Entertainment provided by local Stockport groups – Band, Ukuleles and Morris Dancers

  • Kiosk offering

  • Cloth printing display and general decoration of the Chapel

  • Traffic management

Areas for improvement:

  • Above all, need to strengthen the volunteers’ team

  • Need for more chairs/tables

  • Provide music in the Chapel 1200-1300 hrs

  • Keep same number but develop stalls offering

  • Ensure Saxon re-enactment group are booked

  • Development of supporting documentation to help systematise preparations

Forthcoming Events

Nominated key holders for the remainder of the year were agreed as follows:

  • 25 August Open Day – Artist/Photo of the Year AC

  • 07 September – Bird/bat Box JP

  • 29 September Open Day – Montgomery’s Angels PL

  • 27 October Open Day – Halloween FH

  • 24 November Open Day RP

  • 08 December – Carol Services AC

  • 13 December – Ghost Story Night PL

  • 14 December - TBA

  • 29 December Open Day FH


  • Font tiling. This has been on hold because still awaiting SMBC agreement. JP will follow-up.

  • Paths. Still awaiting up/date feedback from SMBC

  • Noticeboard. Still awaiting in-put from SMBC. AC to follow-up

  • Cover for altar cross. PL will contact a carpenter to get design/quotes

  • Balcony cupboards. FH will contact contractor who did the kitchen


Next Meeting FoC open meeting. 1900 hrs Thursday 05 September in Chapel

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Chadkirk ‘Mark Matthews’ Photography Competition 2024

After our hugely successful ‘artist of the year’ competition last year, we decided this year we would add another competition: The Chadkirk ‘Mark Matthews’ Photography Competition. The competition is named after the late Mark Matthews, a prolific photographer who loved Chadkirk. The winner in each category will receive a £50 Amazon voucher.

After our hugely successful ‘artist of the year’ competition last year, we decided this year we would add another competition: The Chadkirk ‘Mark Matthews’ Photography Competition. The competition is named after the late Mark Matthews, a prolific photographer who loved Chadkirk. The winner in each category will receive a £50 Amazon voucher.

The rules are simple. You can use any camera or phone. You can be any age - we will be awarding prizes in two categories, ‘under 16’ and ‘16 and over’. You can be amateur or professional – although we ask you to declare this so. (For the purposes of this competition, we define professional as ‘earning money regularly’ from your work). Work is judged on its merit, but we do need to take skill levels into consideration.

Your photograph can be of anything on the Chadkirk Estate – including the chapel, Chadkirk Trail, farm, fields, Kirk Wood, down by the River Goyt at Chadkirk bridge and ford. It must not be Ai-generated.

You can submit up to five photos. The maximum file size for each photo is 10MB.

Please note: by submitting your photographs, you agree to allow us to print your photo(s) should they win or be shortlisted, add your photos to our website and Facebook group as the competition unfolds – and use them on promotional material.Your photographs remain yours, you just allow us to exhibit them online and in the chapel.

All entries must be submitted by 11 August 2024.

The entries will be judged by the Friends of Chadkirk committee. All shortlisted entries will be printed and displayed in the Chapel on our August open day – Sunday 25 August.

This competition is now closed and entries are no longer being accepted.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Friends of Chadkirk – Open meeting 2nd May 2024


Apologies: John Pengelly, Peter Labrow, Roger Pearce, Wendy Southam, Angie Clark

Minutes of last meeting

  • Due to absence most points could not be followed up.

Notes from JP

  • John continues to try to communicate with SMBC to no avail.

  • Sewage waste from TPT. A fractured pipe has been discovered, hopefully they will mend it.

  • There will be no plant sale in June as Pat will not be able to attend.

  • John will see Chris about storage on the balcony.

  • There is no news on the Covid footpath. 

  • Notes from PL

  • Peter has bought x2 40m outside power cables so they can be routed more safely at outside events

  • He is going to get some bags of stone to hold down gazeboes when they cannot be pegged down.

  • Volunteers are still needed for 26th and 27th May.

Treasurer's Report

  • Income includes a donation of £300 from Stockport Hydro


Garden report

  • We have been using the new equipment to clear the growth at the east end of the graveyard. It will be replaced with wildflowers.

  • The bee hives have been vandalised. Arnold will remove them to renovate them. I will ask Daryll if He knows anyone who can put a door on the bee shelter to make it safer.



  • Please keep in mind the tombola stall, second-hand books and the plant stall.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Friends of Chadkirk AGM 2024

Record of the Friends of Chadkirk annual general meeting 2024. Thursday 7 March 2024, Chadkirk Chapel, 11:00am.

Record of the Friends of Chadkirk annual general meeting 2024. Thursday 7 March 2024, Chadkirk Chapel, 11:00am.

Attendance: Seventeen including seven committee members
Apologies: Three
JP welcomed members to the meeting and confirmed quoracy.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meetings held on 04 January and 08 February 2024 were accepted. JP summarised the main items from each meeting:

04 January

  • Water leak in Vale Road was now repaired

  • To commemorate the death of Mark Matthews a number of his pictures had been displayed in the Chapel and a photography competition to be held later this year will be named after him

  • £300 grant received from Stockport Hydro and this had been used by AA to purchase power tools for use by the gardening group

  • A step stool had been purchased

  • St Chad’s Day had been a great success

  • New membership form was now available

08 February

  • Emergency lighting fitting was now complete

  • A rota of key-holders responsible for Open Days had been issued for the next few months

  • There was a need for a further volunteer co-ordinator to cover Open Days

  • Easter Services were in-hand and would take place on 31 March

  • This year the plant sale would be part of an Open Day

  • A new project to create a Covid Memorial Footpath was in the early stages

Chairman’s ANNUAL Report

JP said that FoC had had another very busy and successful year and wished to give thanks to all those volunteers who had contributed so much. In reviewing the year’s activity, he mentioned among a number of items:

  • Continuing success of Open Days especially in terms of the work of the kiosk team and the musical entertainment

  • Continued work of the gardening group

  • The Well-Dressing

  • Garden party

  • Art Competition

  • The refurbishment of the kitchen.

He also said that FoC had become part of a number of initiatives, most especially, a project in conjunction with SMBC to create a Covid Memorial Path. This would involve the refurbishment and upgrading of a fully accessible circular path around the Coronation Meadow. The estimated cost would be in excess of £20k which would be provided by SMBC, FoC and contributions from the social funds other local organisations.

Treasurer’s Annual Report

BT tabled Annual Report and said that, although there had been major expenditure on the kitchen refurbishment, the FoC financial situation was very healthy and that this was very much thanks to the efforts of volunteers.

Kiosk Annual Report

FH said that the kiosk had had a successful year and highlighted:

  • The major project to refurbish the kitchen which involved a complete re-design and updating.

  • Feedback from visitors had been very appreciative and positive in terms of both the general presentation with table cloths and flowers and also the variety of the food and drink offering.

  • The new rota system made for an efficient use of members of the team and A comprehensive system of working had been developed.

AC proposed a vote of thanks for the tremendous effort and results that had been achieved by the Kiosk team.

Election of Committee

The following all agreed to stand again to serve on the committee for the year 2024:

  • President - Pat Baker

  • Chair - John Pengelly

  • Treasurer - Brian Thompson

  • Marketing - Peter Labrow

  • Membership Secretary - Wendy Southam

  • Kiosk - Frances Holmes

  • SMBC - Angie Clark

  • Minutes Secretary - Roger Pearce

PL had expressed to JP his willingness to be re-elected was therefore elected in his absence. It was widely acknowledged by all present that PL had made a considerable contribution to the work of FoC and that the standard of publicity materials was superb.

RP had expressed a wish not to continue but in the absence of a volunteer to come forward at the meeting,

Amendments to Constitution

JP said that the FoC Constitution only allowed for amendments to be made at an AGM. However, at this meeting, no changes were recommended by the committee or had been proposed by the membership.

Membership subscription/frequency

No changes proposed. It was agreed that the £5 membership fee for new members would in future be waived if that member joined as a volunteer.


Covid Memorial Footpath - JP said that, as mentioned above, a new project of a Covid Memorial Footpath was being considered and that this would be at an estimated cost of £21k.

Lockable Gallery Storage – JP said that this would be at a cost of about £2k.

Kitchen access for other users of the Chapel – PB said that she had received a request from the SMBC Events Team to have access to the now locked storage. This was not approved because the main purpose of the refurbishment was to ensure the hygienic and secure storage of all foodstuffs for which FoC were responsible. This was now treated with increased importance given the recent concerns that have been raised regarding these issues. It was suggested that there might be separate secure storage for the proposed purpose.

Open Day Volunteers – KD said that she would be willing to join the proposed team of volunteers to be present on Open Days.

Font Floor Tiles – CB said that there was a design for this project, that a supplier had been identified and a tiler contacted who estimated the work would take one day. The cost would be in the region of £1k – cost of tiles ca. £800 and £180/day labour. It was agreed to proceed with this once agreement had been obtained form SMBC.

Sunken Floor Feature - this was something of a draw for visitors to the Chapel but the glass cover had become opaque obscuring the view of the feature. It was suggested by CB that a project be started to refurbish this feature. JP said that an appropriate starting point would be to consult Stockport Museum Services.

Easter Egg Hunt – publicity for this event was discussed.

Vote of Thanks - CB proposed a vote of thanks to the committee for all their efforts over the past year.

The meeting closed at 12.20

Next meetings:

Committee 04 April – 1900 hrs. at JP’s house

Open meeting 02 May – 1900 hrs. in the Chapel

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Friends of Chadkirk COMMITTEE meeting 8 Feb 2024

Meeting: Thursday 08 February 2024
Time: 19:00
Venue: JP ‘s house

Attendance: Pat Baker (President), John Pengelly (Chairman), Brian Thompson (Treasurer), Roger Pearce (Secretary) Angie Clark, Frances Holmes, Wendy Southam. Apologies: Peter Labrow

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Referring to the notes from the open meeting in January, JP reported that:

  • The water leak in the road outside the farmhouse had been repaired;

  • The emergency lighting in the Chapel was now working and, that

  • The wassail event had taken place successfully.

Chairman’s Report

JP said that since having had a very busy time at Christmas, there was little to report thus far this year apart from what had already been reported above. The ticketing for entry to the Chapel for the Wassail had been successful although the overall event was somewhat more muted than the previous year.

Treasurer’s Report

  • BT said that the financial position was still sound even after having been a sizeable expenditure on the kitchen refurbishment.

  • The annual accounts would be ready by the AGM.

  • There were still some funds if a contribution were to be required to further works.

Kiosk team update

FH reported from the Kiosk Team and said that:

It would help the team if in the first instance a person from the committee keyholders was nominated for each event to oversee the opening and closing of the Chapel and be available to contact should the need arise and secondly, it would help if a volunteer would be ready to be front of house during Open Days. This latter role would include such tasks as meeting and greeting, ensuring the children's game were put out and collected, and giving out applications for membership.

There was a discussion and it was agreed that there would be a nominated committee keyholder member to be available on event days. Subject to PL’s confirmation, the agreed rota for the next few months would be:

25/02 Open Day– RP

03/03 St Chad’s Day- PB

31/03 Open Day/Easter Service – AC

01/04 Egg Hunt/All Fools– JP

28/04 Open Day- PL

26/05 Bank Holiday Bank Weekend Open Day– PL

27/05 Bank Holiday Weekend Garden Party– AC

At the March open meeting, an invitation would be made for a volunteer group to take on the front of house role on Open Days.

Lack of handouts/publicity for handing to public - JP would arrange to obtain leaflet holders for the kiosk wall for storage of notices, handouts, membership forms etc for visitors. Also a simple music player which could be operated from within the kiosk.

General discussion re publicity leaflets. Noted that these are problematic to produce when FoC events have not been fully agreed re performers, times, volunteers, organisers etc.

Review of Wassail Event 2024

See above.

Events Update

St Chad’s Day 03 March. FH had had contact with Litchfield Cathedral to try and get information and support for the next St Chad’s Day. There had been some feedback and FH showed a leaflet that has recently been produced by staff at the Cathedral regarding the history of St Chad.

It was agreed that for St Chad’s Day, copies of the leaflet obtained by FH would be available otherwise it would be a regular Open Day opening.

Easter Service 31/03 -  PB would contact Howard Green within the next seven days to confirm if there were to be an Easter Service on 31/03. If so, this would take place at 15:00 and the kiosk would close at 14:30.

Plant Sale 15/06 Because PB would not be available to run the plant sale this year, it was decided to cancel the event on 15/06 and possibly hold a plant sales event as part of the June Open Day. JP would advise SMBC Events in case they get a wedding request.

Entertainment. RP reported that a number of music groups had been booked to play on Open Days. As yet it had not been possible to cover the Garden Party; as proposed,Bring on the Swinghad been invited but were not available.

Footpath Re-instatement/Covid memorial

The immediate focus would now be on the repair and upgrading of the existing path around the Coronation Meadow and not on the now defunct path through Little Wood. Various funds (incl FoC) to support this project were available, but not enough to repair the path properly. This will require FoC to seek grant assistance. Current rough estimate is £25k. SMBC can advance some funds to FoC now (c£7k), but this needs to be expended before the end of the calendar year. Agreed that JP/AC would seek grant monies. (Plan B is to do a lesser scheme with whatever monies are in hand b4 year-end).

AGM 07 March 2024

Apart from RP, the rest of the committee members expressed their willingness to be re-elected. As required, RP would send out notification to the membership.


AC reported that she had already had discussions regarding the design to be used in this year’s Well Dressing.

The meeting closed at 2150.

Next Meeting

AGM 07 March 2024  FoC at 11.00 in the Chapel

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Friends of Chadkirk Meeting – 4 Jan 2024

Attendance and Apologies:

10 members present, plus apologies from 10

Chair’s Report: All were welcomed and wished a Happy New Year. Noted that the various planned Christmas events and open days had taken place successfully. Members then discussed lessons learned and thoughts on future events. To be considered at next FoC committee meeting.

The water leak in the road had been reported to UU and would be chased up given their current lack of action. Noted that there had been no contact to progress wider Chadkirk issues from SMBC and this would be taken up with them. Good news was that SMBC have committed to renew the emergency lights this month, and also generally review workings of the electrics and lighting.

Treasurer’s Report: BT presented the financial report and update.

Finances remain in a very healthy state, despite over £4600 being spent on the kitchen refit. Also notable that the donations from the two carol services had raised £385 for the Christie’s charity.

President’s garden report: PB advised members of the death of Mark Matthews, a regular member of the gardening group. His family has indicated a wish to donate monies to FoC and also for a memorial tree to be planted. PL has family contact re funeral etc.

PB indicated that much bulb planting had taken place. Also the group wished to purchase some power tools. JP indicated he would ask Stockport hydro for grant monies. AA said he would arrange the purchase. Agreed that in any case this could be funded or part funded from FoC funds depending on the grant application outcome.

Kiosk update: FH reported on progress and success of past events. She outlined the new mopping arrangements for those who may use the chapel/kitchen/toilet. New step stool to be purchased. Arrangements for the Wassail catering were in hand. Thanks given to all those who helped out with the Christmas events.

Forthcoming events: Members discussed volunteer duties and attendance times for the Wassail event, and noted future planned events up until March. St Chad’s day required further thought as to what (if anything) is intended before we openly advertise it. Committee to discuss. Also if any additions (e.g. music etc.) are to be added to 2024 open days. Noted that the Halloween event (as per 2023) will take place on the October open day. 2024 event summary will be kept updated. Need for membership forms and other info is on “to do” list.

Any Other Business: a) Noted that Roger Pearce will stand down as Secretary at AGM.

 b) Some discussion took place regarding keys and locking up. Noted that it is the responsibility of key holders to ensure that chapel opening/closing arrangements are briefed and followed (they are pinned on cupboard door of kiosk) . Noted that the alarm must always be set when the chapel is vacated, since it is monitored remotely by SMBC control.

Next Open FoC Meeting: 07 March 2024 @ 1900hrs in the Chapel – AGM

( Next Committee meeting Thurs, 1st Feb, 1900hrs, JP’s house)

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

The Decibelles return for a great concert

Sunday 17 December, The Decibelles Choir returned for another wonderful Christmas concert. They played to a full house – in fact, based on enquiries after tickets were all sold, we could likely have hosted two nights.

This video includes four songs from the evening: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year; The Three Kings; Santa Baby; Twelve Days of Christmas.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Thanks for buying a cuppa

When we open the chapel (usually the last Sunday of the month) the kitchen is always super-busy – serving drinks, cakes and snacks.

The kitchen wasn’t always there (in fact, nor was the loo). It was added, along with the balcony above, when the chapel was refurbished. And that – was quite some time ago.

As those who volunteer to work in the kitchen will attest, was something of an ergonomic nightmare. Not enough storage, not enough room, everything is in the wrong place. It was designed to hold one person (a member of the council’s museum team) but to make the kiosk work, it needs to hold at least two.

People like coming for a drink and a bit of entertainment, but it became apparent to the volunteers who staff the kiosk that something needed to be done.

So, this year’s ‘big project’ for the Friends of Chadkirk has been to fund a refit of the kitchen. This has provided far more storage space, a double-sink, more space to work (that is also better organised) and a new fridge. All of this has been paid for by the Friends of Chadkirk – or, more accurately, it’s been paid for by YOU.

When you have a brew at Chadkirk, buy a cake, attend a paying event or donate, your money goes back into the chapel – in one way or another. Signage, a PA system, tablecloths, cups, toys for children, walkie-talkies for events – that kind of thing. Now and again, we have enough to do something bigger. (Not many people realise that the lovely east window of the chapel was paid for by the Friends of Chadkirk.) This year, it’s the kitchen.

True, visitors don’t go into the kitchen, but many – if not most – benefit from the work that goes on there. The goal was to bring the kitchen up to date and make it work better for the volunteers. The project was driven by one of that team, Frances Holmes, who organised the suppliers, getting quotes in, getting plans drawn up, gathering views of the team and so on. Once the work commenced, it was overseen by our chair, John Pengelly – because these kinds of projects always have the odd thing come to light that wasn’t apparent at the offset. This time, it included moving some electrical sockets, for example.

We chose a local supplier (from a shortlist of all local suppliers) CLJ Installations. Chris Jones (owner of CLJ) has done a cracking job, always looking at the best way to do everything, open to ideas, easy to get on with – and a great interior installation fitter.

So, thanks to Frances, John, Chris, Ann (who manages the kiosk volunteers), all of the kiosk volunteers – and a special thanks to you, each and every person who drops in for a brew, a snack, to watch a performance or to donate. Every penny makes a difference and it all goes towards making Chadkirk better for everyone.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

November 2023 Friends of Chadkirk meeting

Minutes of the Friends of Chadkirk meeting held at 12:00 noon on Thursday 2 November at Chadkirk Chapel


Pat Baker (President), John Pengelly (Chairman), Brian Thompson (Treasurer), Roger Pearce (Secretary), Francis Holmes, Wendy Southam, Alan Atkinson, Barbara Bird, Catherine Buzsard, Howard Green, Phil Rheinberg, Ann Stead, Lesley Thompson, Val Hinchcliffe.

Apologies: Angie Clark, Peter Labrow, Melloney Lenk, Deb Cox, Janet Gilbody,  Sue and Geoff Thorpe, Jeanette Webb

Chairman’s Remarks:

October Open Day – this had been very successful and he thanked all those who had helped.

Kitchen refurbishment was well underway - see below

SMBC – had made no contact except in agreeing to undertake any further electrical work related to the kitchen refurbishment.

Pollution issues – a letter had been received from the River Rangers group from United Utilities saying that they had walked the length of Padden Brook and cleared any debris.

November Open Day, Sunday 26th – the Phoenix Handbell Ringers and the Quattro Venti flute quartet would provide the entertainment.

Treasurer's Report:

BT gave a brief update on current bank balances and said that, although there was a considerable expenditure relating to the kitchen refurbishment, the financial situation was healthy.

Gardening Report:

PB said that there had been a delivery of bulbs and that a further twenty-five bulbs had been donated.

The gardening group had started to create a dead hedge in which to place cut branches

Kiosk Report:

FH said that the kitchen refurbishment was now almost complete and that there remained a few electrical matters which SMBC had agreed to sort out ASAP.

Painting would start on 03 November

There were now locking cupboards and arrangements would be made as to where the keys would be kept.

Taps for hose connection/bucket filing were still to be fitted.

CB proposed that vote of thanks for the work that FH and JP had put into this project.

Publicity & Future Events

In his absence JP presented the report received from PL

Members on the Facebook group now 760 people. 282 people on the mailing list.

Christmas events: 50 posters produced. JP distributed 15 at the meeting. Also PL has promoted initially to the mailing list, list of members of the FoC, and on FoC Facebook group.

All tickets for both Christmas services taken in the first couple of days; 50 tickets for the first and 60 for the second. Meeting agreed to retain residue pending next Tai Chi meeting. Ghost Night and Wassailing was also going well - confident that these will go to a capacity audience once it is prompted. There will be a ticket check on the door to enable the control of numbers entering the chapel when the Morris Dancers perform.

Because Eventbrite now charge, we have had to move to a new ticketing platform. The new platform is free and has an app so, by scanning tickets, it is possible to record those who actually attend.

What’s on at Chadkirk flyers produced for the kiosk team to put out on open Days.

A portable PA has been purchased and tested; it functions adequately. There is also a second microphone; the old microphone stored in the kiosk, although somewhat bartered, is functioning. Two more XLR cables are now needed to cater for its use - short and long.

JP also added that copies of a new calendars of events were available and asked that the times of meetings be noted; on days when the gardening group operated, general meetings would take place in the Chapel starting at 12.00 whereas on days when there were no gardening activities meetings would start at 11.00


HG gave an update for arrangements for the Carol Services. Awaiting confirmation from clerics, but expects them to offer up accompanists.

FH outlined kiosk arrangements for Christmas and early January. Note drink licences needed. JP will action; also road closure for Wassailing.

She also suggested that the Committee might consider that in future years there would be a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony.

Meeting closed at 12:50

Next scheduled meetings:

  • Committee 07 December at 19:00 at John Pengelly’s house

  • Friends of Chadkirk 04 January at 12.00 in the Chapel.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Chadkirk, by local artist David Lee

I had the real privilege yesterday of meeting local artist David Lee, at his home studio in Hatherlow. Those of you who have visited the chapel will likely have seen a drawing by David – it's one he did of the chapel back in the late 1970s/early 1980s.

At the time, the chapel was disused – and the farm was still a working farm. The chapel was generally left open and was used to store farm equipment. Indeed, the old equipment you see in the garden used to be kept inside the chapel.

There was no kitchen or toilet, and no balcony. Just one large space. The drawing took him two days.

David has very kindly allowed us to use the sketch on our promotional materal. In the chapel, you will see it on the left as you enter, as part of our 'welcome to Chadkirk' noticeboard – and it is also used on our 'chapel open today' sign. It's a terrific piece of work.

As you can see from these photos, he's drawn lots of local places, and places around the Peak District. These days he mainly paints rather than working in pencil. He's currently working on a painting of the open barn at Chadkirk.

Those who are interested in having a copy of the Chadkirk Chapel drawing can have a high-quality, framed print, direct from David, for £80. Just contact him on 0161 430 7307 and mention that you've come via the Friends of Chadkirk website.

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