Friends of Chadkirk COMMITTEE meeting July 2024

Meeting: Thursday 01 July 2024
Time: 19:00
Venue: Chadkirk Chapel

Attendance: Pat Baker (President), John Pengelly (Chairman), Brian Thompson (Treasurer), Roger Pearce (Secretary), Angie Clark, Frances Holmes, Peter Labrow, Lesley Thompson.

Apologies:  Wendy Southam


Chairman’s Report

JP highlighted four areas:

  • Contact with SMBC. There was little to report here because there had been a change of personnel and it had proved difficult to establish a meeting which dealt with any substantial matters.

  • Public Liability Insurance. In making preparations for recent events, it was apparent that the levels of insurance cover might not be sufficient or adequately defined to cover public events. It had therefore seemed prudent to renew the policy to ensure public liability coverage.

  • Long-term plans. Although this was a difficult area because of there being so many unknowns in relation to the future of Chadkirk Estates, it was likely that there would be little prospect of a survival unless this were to be driven by the Friends of Chadkirk. A long discussion followed.

Treasurer's Report

BT tabled a paper showing the most recent income, present bank balances and giving comparisons with past performance. The present financial situation was healthy.

Garden Report

PB reported that:

  • Foxglove seeds were ready to be scattered in some of the woodland areas of the estate.

  • More plants would be purchased later in the year when they could be bought as sale items.

  • The bee-keeper was pleased with the state of the hives. Quite what was the connection between the FoC and the bee-keeper was not clear but, he would be made an honorary member of FoC to ensure that he would be covered by Public Liability Insurance when in the chapel.

Kiosk Report

FH tabled a detailed report. The well-dressing weekend had been a great success and even although the number of cakes ordered was greater than last year, there was still a need to buy extra supplies on the Saturday evening. A member of the kiosk team had put up some much-appreciated display material related to the well-dressing theme. The kiosk team would have appreciated more help from other volunteers to help set-up and clear away. This was an area which could be strengthened because the workload tended to fall on a small group.

Well Dressing Review

The event had been successful and although there had been some problems with the timing of events, these were beyond FoC control: length of ceremony and late arrival of the Mayor because of traffic delays.


  • Creation and mounting of the well dressing panels

  • Entertainment provided by local Stockport groups – Band, Ukuleles and Morris Dancers

  • Kiosk offering

  • Cloth printing display and general decoration of the Chapel

  • Traffic management

Areas for improvement:

  • Above all, need to strengthen the volunteers’ team

  • Need for more chairs/tables

  • Provide music in the Chapel 1200-1300 hrs

  • Keep same number but develop stalls offering

  • Ensure Saxon re-enactment group are booked

  • Development of supporting documentation to help systematise preparations

Forthcoming Events

Nominated key holders for the remainder of the year were agreed as follows:

  • 25 August Open Day – Artist/Photo of the Year AC

  • 07 September – Bird/bat Box JP

  • 29 September Open Day – Montgomery’s Angels PL

  • 27 October Open Day – Halloween FH

  • 24 November Open Day RP

  • 08 December – Carol Services AC

  • 13 December – Ghost Story Night PL

  • 14 December - TBA

  • 29 December Open Day FH


  • Font tiling. This has been on hold because still awaiting SMBC agreement. JP will follow-up.

  • Paths. Still awaiting up/date feedback from SMBC

  • Noticeboard. Still awaiting in-put from SMBC. AC to follow-up

  • Cover for altar cross. PL will contact a carpenter to get design/quotes

  • Balcony cupboards. FH will contact contractor who did the kitchen


Next Meeting FoC open meeting. 1900 hrs Thursday 05 September in Chapel

Peter Labrow

Head of marketing at MorganAsh. Consumer vulnerability champion. Writer and storyteller. Co-author: Is It News?


Chadkirk well dressing 2024


Chadkirk ‘Mark Matthews’ Photography Competition 2024