Chadkirk Artist of the Year 2024

Fabulous day yesterday at the Chadkirk Artist of the Year competition. The weather wasn't fantastic, no doubt leading to us having fewer artists than expected, but there were still enough to make it a spirited competition. The work was outstanding - it's amazing how different people can look at the same things and create something that is so utterly different. The three winners stood out from some tough competition and, as with last year, it was very hard to narrow it down to the finalists. Well done and thank you for all who took part and made this such a great day - and thanks to everyone who came down to watch. Each of the winners went away with a £50 Amazon voucher. We also displayed the entries (and winners) in the Chadkirk ‘Mark Matthews’ Photography Competition 2024 - again, a great creative effort and two people won £50 Amazon vouchers.

Our thanks to local artists Sarah Riley and Pippa Hicks for helping judge the event.

Peter Labrow

Head of marketing at MorganAsh. Consumer vulnerability champion. Writer and storyteller. Co-author: Is It News?


Chadkirk ‘Mark Matthews’ Photography Competition 2024


Chadkirk well dressing 2024