Annual general meeting 2025

Meeting: Thursday 06 March 2025
Time: 11:00
Venue: Chadkirk Chapel

Annual general meeting 2025 minutes


Pat Baker (President), John Pengelly (Chairman), Brian Thompson (Treasurer), Roger Pearce (Secretary), Angie Clark, Frances Holmes, Wendy Southam.

The meeting was also attended by twelve members of the Friends of Chadkirk

Apologies:  Catherine Buzsard, Peter Labrow and Ann Pearce

JP opened the meeting by welcoming all attendees and saying that, as there was quoracy, the meeting could proceed.

Minutes of 6 February 2025

There were no matters arising

Chairman’s annual report

  • JP said since taking over the main responsibility in 2021 for much of the activity which took place in the chapel and estate, the Friends of Chadkirk had been able to manage and run every open day. He gave especial thanks for all the work that had been done over the years by both the gardening and kiosk teams.

  • He outlined the extra events of the past year and highlighted the Easter service and egg hunt, the well dressing, the photo contest marking the death of member Mark Matthews and the carol service conducted despite there being a complete power cut.

  • During the year, the Tai Chi group had continued to hold its weekly meetings in the chapel and the premises were used for the AGM of Stockport Hydro.

  • For the first time, a volunteers’ evening had been held at the Railway Inn as a way of thanking everyone who had contributed. This had proved to be a great success.

Treasurer’s report

BT tabled the financial report. He began by thanking JP for becoming more involved in some of the routine financial processes on open days; the float was prepared, a record made of income and expenses, and monies deposited at the bank.

Committee members’ reports

  • FH spoke to the tabled kiosk report

  • RP said that there was now a full entertainment programme for open days and the well dressing weekend in July

  • PB said that she was in the process of buying plants with the bequest from the estate of Mark Matthews. Also, that, rather than fortnightly, the gardening team now met every Thursday thanks to PR supervising every alternate week. The group also met monthly on the first Saturday. Throughout the winter there were about ten volunteers each week with more joining in the warmer months.

  • AC announced that there would be an initial well dressing planning meeting on Tuesday 08 April at 7.00 in the chapel. Following the suggestion by BB, AC said that she would send out an email prior to the meeting inviting suggestions for the theme of this year’s display.

  • WS said that there were now 85 members, and new members would be welcome with volunteers getting free membership. In addition, there were some 1,000 followers on Facebook.

  • JP concluded this item with a thank-you for the contributions of all the committee.

Election of committee members

There being no other candidates, the existing committee members were re-elected for a further year. The vote was unanimous.

  • Pat Baker (President)

  • John Pengelly (Chairman)

  • Brian Thompson (Treasurer)

  • Roger Pearce (Secretary)

  • Angie Clark

  • Frances Holmes

  • Wendy Southam

In his absence, Peter Labrow was also re-elected to the committee.

Amendments to the constitution


Membership subscription/frequency

No change


  • Covid Memorial Path – there had been a proposal to upgrade the footpath to make it pushchair and wheelchair friendly. This project has recently gone rather slowly since the member of SMBC staff with whom we were liaising, had left his post. It is hoped that Daryll Falconer (SMBC) will keep the project going and, at the same time, AC would follow up this matter with SMBC

  • Balcony cupboards – FH was keeping this going despite some problems

  • Font floor tiling – CB had scoped this project but was still awaiting a final decision from SMBC

  • Relationship with SMBC – of late, this had lost momentum and was proving difficult especially when, often, communications with SMBC did not receive a reply

  • Hidden man – AC passed onto JP the details of a glazier who had offered to help replace the glass cover of this display.

  • Chapel access – JH asked about access to the Chapel via the path that ran directly from the car park. JP said that this route was usually locked off because of its proximity to the farmhouse but it can be used for volunteers to access the farmyard storage buildings.

  • Printing – BB asked that some assistance was needed in the printing of forms for the bat and bird box event; AC said that she would assist in the printing.

  • Well dressing – FH requested that members donate tombola prizes on any open Day between now and the Well Dressing. Regarding this matter it was also mentioned that on the last Sunday in July, Romiley Young Farmers were holding their show, and this might create congestion and other difficulties as far as car parking was concerned; JP and AC would meet with the RYF organiser, Elaine Taylor, to plan to minimise problems.

Next meetings

  • FoC committee 1900 hrs Thursday 3 April at Beech Lane

  • FoC members 1900 hrs in the chapel – NB start time

  • Meeting closed at 1210 hrs

Peter Labrow

Head of marketing at MorganAsh. Consumer vulnerability champion. Writer and storyteller. Co-author: Is It News?


FrIends of Chadkirk committee meeting February 2025