FrIends of Chadkirk committee meeting February 2025

Meeting: Thursday 05 February 2025

Time: 19:00

Venue: Beech Lane


Pat Baker (President), John Pengelly (Chairman), Roger Pearce (Secretary),   Frances Holmes, Wendy Southam.


Angie Clark, Peter Labrow, Brian Thompson (Treasurer).

Chairman’s Report

JP said that:

  • the January Open Day had been busier than expected and that, in preparation, RP had used super-glue to seal some of the cracks in the donations vase which was on the verge of falling to pieces.

  • the Volunteers’ Evening at the Railway had proved a great success and also we were particularly grateful for the contribution made to the event by James Gansler. The costs had worked out at about £10/head.

  • SMBC had visited the Chapel Estate with regard to the footpath project – more on this below.

  • With regard to Grant applications there was little to report in that in the last few months much of the focus had necessarily been on Christmas events.

Treasurer's Report

In BT’s absence, JP presented the Treasurer's Report. The financial position remained healthy with reserves held in readiness for expenditure on up-coming projects. A full report on annual financial performance would be made at the coming AGM.

Garden Report

PB said that much of the maintenance work was on-going and that a re-planting programme was planned for several of the beds in the garden. Some of the grass would be allowed to mature and paths would be made through them with a strimmer.

When JP asked what the situation was with the Coronation Meadow, PB replied that hopefully it would be more effectively managed this year and an appropriate programme of first having cattle there, then allowing the grass to grow and wild seeds develop before being cut and shared around so that the seeds could be propagated over a wider geographic area.

Kiosk Report

FH tabled the Kiosk Team Report which detailed the planning for a number of Open Days during the rest of this year as discussed at the group’s last meeting. There were  also suggestions as to some of the other events that might be considered in addition to the Open Days. There was some discussion of these proposals and it was decided to try and firm up arrangements at the next committee meeting.

Publicity/social media

In the absence of PL, it was decided to defer this item.


WS said that there was nothing to report.

Peter Labrow

Head of marketing at MorganAsh. Consumer vulnerability champion. Writer and storyteller. Co-author: Is It News?


Annual general meeting 2025


Ghost story night, 2024