Friends of Chadkirk Committee meeting December 2024
Meeting: Thursday 5 December 2024
Time: 19:00
Venue: Beech Avenue
John Pengelly (Chairman), Roger Pearce (Secretary), Angie Clark, Frances Holmes, Peter Labrow. Wendy Southam. Apologies: Pat Baker (President), Brian Thompson (Treasurer).
Chairman’s Report
JP said that there was not a great deal to report but many matters were ongoing. With a view to maintaining good relationships, he would prepare a letter for local residents giving details of up-coming events which might have an effect on traffic.
Treasurer's Report
Although BT could not be present, he had sent a report which was summarised by JP. The present financial situation was healthy; income remained steady and the bank balances in both the current and savings accounts were healthy and funds were being set aside for the footpath project and kiosk/toilet improvements.
Garden Report
PB was absent so no report was made. It was noted that the gardening group were installing a Christmas tree and would put up Christmas decorations in the Chapel on Saturday 08/12
Kiosk Report
FH tabled a report on the kiosk team; the kiosk had been fully staffed for the Open Day in November but as expected, attendance and takings were down because the weather was poor. The report also detailed planning regarding the balcony refurbishment and the meetings that had taken place with a carpenter. The refurbishment plans included:
New storage cupboards which would be below parapet level so not to be unsightly from the main body of the Chapel;
A cupboard would be provided for SMBC materials;
The cupboards immediately behind the parapet carving would be removed and replaced by black boards over exposed sections of the carvings – these boards would improve the appearance from ground level as well as provide structural to the carvings.
The plan also mentioned the making of a case for the Chadkirk Cross, fitting of handles on the toilet to improve disabled access, the replacement of some of the existing rubbish bins, a drop down baby-change shelf and a new bigger storage cupboard..
SMBC approval for the plan was still being sought and, if obtained, work would commence in early 2025.
The plan was fully debated and approved.
Events review/update
PL said that there was little to report that would not be covered later in the meeting. He did, however, mention that he had purchased a fog generating machine for use in the first instance during the performance at the Ghost Story Evening on 13th December. It might well have further uses, especially during the Wassail Evening.
With regard to the rejection of the footpath grant application, PL said that, to address one of the reasons given for the rejection, he would organise an on-line petition to invite public support.
Forthcoming Events
8 December – Carol Services – AC reported that all preparations had been made as detailed in the 03 October minutes. She said that she had arranged with Ann Pearce to go to the Chapel on Saturday afternoon to make sure that the chairs and tables etc. were set-up.
December 13 - Friday 19.30, – Ghost Story Night. PL said that he would undertake to prepare the Chapel earlier in the day.
Wassail 04 January 2025. AC said that the Morris Dancers and the Green Man had been booked and that an addition this year would be a four-hander Mummers’ play to be performed in the round after the Morris Men’s performance; in keeping with tradition, this would be performed in verse.
JP said that the alcohol licence had been issued and that he was still awaiting a response from SMBC regarding the application for a road closure notice.
Volunteers’ Event 30 January 2025 – this would start at 7.00 pm and take place in the function room of Platform One (next to Romiley Station). Food offering will be pizza purchased from The Italian with some alternatives for those who do not like pizza. James Gansler would provide the music after the meal.
As agreed in the October meeting, on-duty committee members for December would be:
08 December – Carol Services AC
13 December – Ghost Story Night PL
29 December Open Day FH
The current projects are on-going as touched upon above:
Font tiling – awaiting SMBC agreement.
Memorial Footpath – the initial application was rejected but a re-application is underway.
Balcony cupboards refurbishment and a wooden cover for the altar cross had been progressed as reported by FH.
Calendar 2025 and 2026 . JP said that he would roll the calendar forward
Entertainment Plan 2025. RP said that he would co-ordinate this and report to the committee. It was agreed that any proposals for inviting groups would need to be channelled through him.
Meeting closed at 21.00
Next Meeting
FoC Open meeting. 1100 hrs Thursday 09 January in the Chapel