Friends of Chadkirk – Open meeting 2nd May 2024


Apologies: John Pengelly, Peter Labrow, Roger Pearce, Wendy Southam, Angie Clark

Minutes of last meeting

  • Due to absence most points could not be followed up.

Notes from JP

  • John continues to try to communicate with SMBC to no avail.

  • Sewage waste from TPT. A fractured pipe has been discovered, hopefully they will mend it.

  • There will be no plant sale in June as Pat will not be able to attend.

  • John will see Chris about storage on the balcony.

  • There is no news on the Covid footpath. 

  • Notes from PL

  • Peter has bought x2 40m outside power cables so they can be routed more safely at outside events

  • He is going to get some bags of stone to hold down gazeboes when they cannot be pegged down.

  • Volunteers are still needed for 26th and 27th May.

Treasurer's Report

  • Income includes a donation of £300 from Stockport Hydro


Garden report

  • We have been using the new equipment to clear the growth at the east end of the graveyard. It will be replaced with wildflowers.

  • The bee hives have been vandalised. Arnold will remove them to renovate them. I will ask Daryll if He knows anyone who can put a door on the bee shelter to make it safer.



  • Please keep in mind the tombola stall, second-hand books and the plant stall.

Peter Labrow

Head of marketing at MorganAsh. Consumer vulnerability champion. Writer and storyteller. Co-author: Is It News?


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