All change?

Cuts and/or Re-organisation ? The impact of the double dip can be felt and seen throughout the country.

With £28 million cuts making the headlines, here are some of the ways that these changes might be evident at Chadkirk:

* 18 months ago there were 6 Senior Rangers covering Stockport’s Greenspaces.
Now there are 3.

From April their work will be done by one Countryside Officer.

* The Countryside Officer will be paid approximately £5000 pa less than a Senior Ranger.

* Alan has changed his green sweatshirt for a blue one. He is now employed by SolutionsSK.
He is part of a team of 3. They are based at Etherow and will undertake work in Stockport East. So we will still see him at Chadkirk from time to time.

A team of 3 based in Reddish Vale will take care of Stockport West’s Greenspaces.

* Work within Chadkirk is often contracted out.
The improvements to the path through Kirkwood (from the canal opposite Oakwood Mill to the top of the steps down towards the bridge or gardens ) was undertaken by Utility Landscapes.

* Recent woodland management involving felling of 3 or 4 beech trees was undertaken by ECOS and funded by a WIG – Woodland Initiative Grant.


The trees of Kirkwood

