Back in the year 2000…

I lived and worked in Greater Manchester 20 years ago. During that time, the peace and spiritual essence in Chadkirk estate, together with the company of the garden team, really helped me through difficult times.

I worked hard with Pat and Mary and remember John for his enthusiasm, knowledge of the natural history, birds etc. and his wonderful estate work.

We were a small group: myself, Pat, Mary, Sheila and her husband Peter, and John plus another couple. Pat and I went on an apple tree / orchard course over two weekends and I remember the seeds she and Mary grew.

Awaiting funding for the restoration of the walled garden, we had numerous meetings at Pat’s home during which we studied maps and plans. Renovators of the chapel in previous years had discarded material into the walled garden seemingly using it as a junk heap. So then there were weeks of weeding out bricks, stones and glass from the garden beds which had been constructed by Stockport council, following Pat’s design. Eventually we started the planting. I remember the joy of watching plants growing, and the satisfaction working on maintenance in the garden we had helped to create.

I had five happy years working at Chadkirk and seeing the walled garden transformed for all to enjoy.

Thank you for a most informative and fun blog.

Warm regards


Saturday 9th September: Bird and Bat Box Making


Dressing up