Chadkirk Bridge Portrait Bench

At the September meeting of the Friends of Chadkirk there was a packed agenda.
More of which later.

One thing that was clear was that we weren’t clear… about the plans for the Portrait Bench. So…..a chain of emails later and this is an update from Sustrans:

the vote for the shortlisted characters is still open for on line voting through the SMBC (once on the council site search for Connect2 Project) where I believe both the details of each shortlisted candidate are available along with their current standings in the poll.  I am not sure of the exact deadline for the vote to close, but this will need to be shortly, so any encouragement to your blog audience should be to vote as soon as possible.
The final decision will be made by the Connect2 Project steering group under the chairmanship of Councillor Wright.  While Sustrans will be funding the bench as a part of the project we do not take part in the final decision as we wish the vote to reflect local opinions rather than our own. Our role is really just to set the parameters for what we require in order to produce the cut steel figures.
Peter Green
Area Manager Greater Manchester

This message is reproduced with the kind permission of Peter Green.

For those who may not have been following the Portrait Bench Poll, there are a couple of previous postings and a brief discussion of candidates.

1st October word from Sustrans:
For your information, the on-line voting finished last Friday and I’m currently waiting for confirmation of the results from our Communications Section”


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