It is spring time at Chadkirk

Yes. Despite the wintry weather, our spring programme of activities at Chadkirk has begun.

While the blizzards fresh from the Baltic kept some people at home, as soon as the weather eased just enough for local folk to get out and about, a walk to Chadkirk Chapel allowed people to experience just the right balance of bracing and comfort.

Strolling through sub-zero temperatures took care of the bracing part. In Chadkirk Chapel, Friends of Chadkirk took care of the comfort. Hot drinks were available, but it was the extra treat of tray bakes that seemed to nourish and keep the chill at bay. As people enjoyed the cakes, they were entertained by our annual showing of the story of St. Chad. Over the hours when the chapel was open, there were 3 showings of the film and our cakes were sold out by the end of the afternoon.

Cakes sales raised £120. And just in case you need to feel that the cakes were more than a foodie treat, by eating the cakes you were supporting the upkeep of Chadkirk. The money raised goes into the funds which the Friends of Chadkirk use to maintain and enhance Chadkirk Chapel, the Walled Garden and the footpaths (among other things).  A bracing walk, a comforting cake and supporting a much loved part of our local landscape. An afternoon well spent.

Future opportunities to take part in events at Chadkirk this spring are planned for the Easter weekend.

1st April  Easter Service

Easter Monday: Easter Egg Hunt (open to under 10 yrs)

The next Friends of Chadkirk meeting is Thursday 10th May at 1pm in Chadkirk Chapel.


Sunday 3rd March Celebrate St Chad’s Day at Chadkirk


Good News for Valentine’s Day