People power

Belt tightening and cost cutting. Front page news.
You can get the details on this from the local press and elsewhere.

I’m here to celebrate Chadkirk.
Nevertheless there is an awareness that Chadkirk sits in this context.
And in the current climate, the situation may have an impact on Chadkirk.

Friends of Chadkirk are meeting to discuss proposals from the Museums and Cultural Attractions branch of the local government. Along with other groups they have been invited to meetings at Staircase House on October 9th and 10th. Consultation. At Chadkirk, the Chapel falls in their bailliewick.

For many of the users of Chadkirk there is also an awareness that there may be changes afoot that will affect the wider environment. Those who walk round Chadkirk daily, or visit it regularly value it’s beauty, the open spaces, the fresh air. Like me they find it uplifting, energising and beneficial for body, mind and spirit. Chadkirk Country Park.

Chadkirk Country Park is managed by a different branch of local government: Greenspaces.
It seems reasonable to expect that changes are afoot here too.

Given the appeal from Stockport for members of the public to have their say, there is a temptation to wonder about the way the decision making process works. Nevertheless it must also be true that a silence will be seen as a chance to make cuts where people have not expressed any view.

There are a number of possibilities.
On line (see link below).
Letters can be written and left for councillors at the local library.
Appointments can be made to meet with local representatives to enquire and express an interest.

Stockport Council – Stockport Council Home Page.

Friends of Chadkirk plan to meet next week to discuss the proposals.
Date and time to follow.
Please come along.


The case for a Resident Senior Ranger


Proud of Stockport? Proud of Chadkirk