Scarecrow Sunday

Sunday 26th May is Scarecrow Sunday.

It’s a chance for families and friends to get out in the open air and enjoy being in the Walled Garden at Chadkirk. It’s an opportunity to do creative things with straw. And other materials. It’s a chance to make a life size piece of art.

Bring your imagination. Build your own scarecrow.

Perhaps you can enjoy having a bit of a rummage through wardrobes, drawers, cupboards. See what you can find that might inspire a special scarecrow, something unique. Or come along and use the bits and pieces that the Friends of Chadkirk provide. Your scarecrow can be male or female, royalty or celebrity, footballer, nurse, clown, wizard. Get your thinking cap on. Head gear for the scarecrow? wigs? flowing robes or shorts and T-shirt? The Olympic Games of 2012 inspired many of last year’s entries. What will inspire you this year?

The event begins at 11.00 hours in The Walled Garden.

There are two categories of scarecrow. And entry details remain unchanged since last year. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

In 2012 all entries were rewarded with a small prize.


Scarecrow Sunday: and the winner is…


Among the green