Friends of chadkirk committee meeting oct 2023

Meeting: Thursday 05 October 2023
Time: 19:00
Venue: Beech Lane


Pat Baker (President), John Pengelly (Chairman)  Brian Thompson (Treasurer), Roger Pearce (Secretary), Angie Clark, Peter Labrow. Apologies: Francis Holmes, Wendy Southam.

Chairman’s Report:

  1. Ongoing discussion with Vicky, SMBC Events Team, regarding with calendar of events until 2026

  2. Memorial Path – JP had had discussions with Daryl but the detail of works to be carried out still needed to be agreed in detail.

  3. United Utilities – another meeting had been held to discuss over-spill problems. They do seem concerned to make improvements and improve relations. The United Utilities River Ranger has also become involved in monitoring the situation.

  4. SMBC – regular meetings to discuss the future of the estate had come to a halt and therefore there was nothing to be reported on the front. JP would have a final attempt to arrange a meeting.

  5. Chadkirk Archive – JP had visited Leslie Thompson to see the work that was being done in organising the archive and was pleased to report that it was coming on well.

In the discussion that followed it was suggested that future Bat and Bird Box events might be moved to a Sunday which might be both to the advantage of FoC and also the events team in making the Chapel available on the preceding Saturday. It was also agreed that on those occasions when the Chapel is booked, FoC would not have access until after 17:00 or when the events/booking was concluded.

Action: AC to follow up progress with SMBC regarding work related to the Memorial Path

Treasurer's Report:

BT said that there had been little change in the financial position since the last report. There would now be some significant expenditure with the commencement of the kiosk refurbishment project.

Garden Report –  PB reported:

  • Narcissus bulbs had been purchased

  • A project had been started to create a dry hedge

  • The height of the apple trees had been reduced to give a better view over the garden

  • Will liaise with Daryl regarding re-instating the path into the farmyard

  • The diseased oak tree had been reported but no action had been taken.

Kiosk Report – In her absence, JP gave the report submitted by FH.

The quote by Chris James had been accepted, he had had a meeting with FH and JP to finalise some details and he would now start work on the kiosk on 27/11.

 The discussion that followed agreed that:

  • To help keep control of the project, any variations would be agreed with JP before being implemented.

  • Rather than use the fridge detailed in Howden’s quote, a fridge meeting our specific requirements would be purchased separately; no ice box was required and a model with no protruding door handle would be preferred.

  • At closing on Sunday 26/11, as far as possible items/stock etc will be removed in preparation for the refurbishment.

Action: During the refurbishment, PL would visit on a regular basis to make a photographic record.

Forthcoming Event:

Halloween Sunday 29 October – AC had walked the route, developed a plan of features and formed a group of volunteers to help prepare the event.

Action: RP to confirm that the Phoenix Handbell Ringers would be performing as part of the Open Day on 26 November.

Christmas and New Year Events:


Sunday 26 November; chapel open to the public; Phoenix Bell-Ringers

10 December; Christmas carol services; 2:30pm and 4:00pm

Friday 15 December; musical concert, performers, readings, sings-songs

Saturday 16 December; ghost story night

Sunday 17 December; flute quartet da y(provisionally); Decibelles Concert evening

Sunday 31 December; chapel open to the public; 12:00–4:00pm

The planned event for the Saturday has had to be cancelled and it was agreed that this would be replaced by an evening of readings with the theme, Winter Tales (things seasonal and spooky); this would be a free event at which refreshment would be sold.

Provided enough volunteers were available, the Chapel could be opened on the last Sunday with a reduced offering in the kiosk -hot drinks and biscuits.

Action: JP to apply for drinks licenses

Action: Ann Pearce be asked to order Winter Spiced cake from Thatchers

Action: RP to confirm arrangements for the concert and pass the details for PL to be added to publicity

The planned event for the Saturday has had to be cancelled and it was agreed that this would be replaced by an evening of readings with the theme, Winter Tales (things seasonal and spooky); this would be a free event at which refreshment would be sold.

Provided enough volunteers were available, the Chapel could be opened on the last Sunday with a reduced offering in the kiosk -hot drinks and biscuits.

Action: JP to apply for drinks licenses

Action: Ann Pearce be asked to order Winter Spiced cake from Thatchers

Action: RP to confirm arrangements for the concert and pass the details for PL to be added to publicity


Wassail – as per last year although another person had expressed a wish to appear in the role of the Green Man; this was welcomed provided that it did not violate some time honoured pagan custom. Given the uncertainty of the weather, it was agreed that we should plan for the dancers to perform in the Chapel and that some gazebos might be placed outside if extra seating were to be required.

Any other business

PL said that, in response to comments made regarding the difficulty in hearing speakers at the Well Dressing, he had researched suitable battery powered PA systems. He tabled an advertisement for a Boss Cube at £299.00 and it was agreed that this should be purchased forthwith.

BT suggested that some of the publications giving details of the Chapel and Estate might be revised and re-printed.

Next scheduled meeting:

 Friends of Chadkirk 02 November at 11.00 in the Chapel.  

The meeting closed a 21.20

Peter Labrow

Head of marketing at MorganAsh. Consumer vulnerability champion. Writer and storyteller. Co-author: Is It News?


Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024


Half-year round-up 2023