Half-year round-up 2023

We thought it would be useful to provide a half-year round-up of all that is Chadkirk. We generally open on the last Sunday of the month and we've really tried to take things up a notch this year, putting on events most Sundays. 

We started the year with the Wassailing – one of quite a few events we’ve run this year for the first time. Despite the rain, this was a lot of fun for young and old alike – anyone who was there to see the procession, the blessing of the tree – and the Stockport Morris Men.

In February, The Luvvies band played to a full house – giving a modern vintage charm to some of the finest songs across the decades… from old standards to modern music… and they will be back soon.

This was followed by a musical duet, with Roger Pearce on piano, and Gordon Robson on clarinet and bass clarinet. The music included a mixture of light pieces. 

We were busy at Easter time; our traditional Easter Sunday service , followed by our annual children’s Easter egg hunt on Monday, which  was as popular as ever – so popular, we became dangerously close to running out of chocolate. 

This was followed in April, by our second garden party. We’d trialled this last year, providing a quiet alternative to the Romiley street party. This year, we drew a bigger audience, for the outstanding performance by James and Maria – plus, a visitation by a couple of Daleks.

In May, flute quartet Quattro Venti performed two sets, both inside the chapel and also outside in the courtyard – it’s always special to hear acoustic music in the chapel.

The annual well-dressing festival was probably our most successful event this year – a massive turnout for the day, and people came the week before to try their hand at creating floral panels. The Chadkirk Vikings were a big success, and providing further entertainment were Stockport’s “trio” of Silver Band, the Ukulele band and the Morris Men.

Our Chadkirk Artist of the Year competition was another hit and an event first – despite the challenging weather – with around thirty people competing for three £50 prizes. Also in attendance were the Stockport Ukulele band and Romiley Railway modellers, with their child-friendly railway. 

We followed this the next month with another new event – our artist exhibition, bringing local artists together to provide a chance for them to show their work to the community in one place.

Also, our bird- and bat-box making day gave younger people a chance to create – well, boxes for birds and bats!

Performing a couple of times across the year, were the Phoenix Handbell-Ringers – another special sound to hear in the chapel. 

And finally,  The Luvvies returned to enliven our September open day……. Phew! 

It’s not all about the ‘special events’ either. It’s the Friends of Chadkirk’s volunteers which keeps the walled garden in such tip-top shape, working hard on it throughout the year. We also have tai-chi sessions throughout the year. 

So – what’s coming up?

We’ve got a special event planned for our open day on Halloween Sunday, and then we head through the November open day towards Christmas. In addition to the traditional carol services, there will be an exciting Christmas weekend of entertainment. And – yes – there will be another wassailing in January. Tickets for Christmas events will be available later in the year on a first-come, first-served basis.

As a community organisation, the Friends of Chadkirk provided all of this entertainment free (although some of our events, especially at Christmas, are ticketed and paid). This year was the first time we sold alcohol at some of our events – and you’ll be pleased to hear that this will continue for selected events.

The funding for these events came from donations and takings for refreshments. And we don’t just use these to provide entertainment. 

Over the last year, we’ve invested in a PA system, a set of large gazebos, temporary road signage for events, walkie-talkies and high-viz jackets (to make our volunteers feel important). We’ve paid for and installed new information signs in the chapel – and our biggest project this year is to refurbish the kitchen and kiosk. All of these help us to provide better, safer events for everyone.

Everything at Chadkirk is run by volunteers. We’re always short of these, especially for the bigger events, so if you want to get involved, please get in touch.

Peter Labrow

Head of marketing at MorganAsh. Consumer vulnerability champion. Writer and storyteller. Co-author: Is It News?


Friends of chadkirk committee meeting oct 2023


FOC committee meeting 1 June 2023