Friends of Chadkirk… get ready for action

Planning for the Well Dressing starts in Spring. Then there’s a week of activity in the Chapel with volunteers creating a work, making the designer’s plans manifest. On the day, there’s something of beauty for all to enjoy.

The Well Dressing kicks off a busy day. So much to see and do. The Friends of Chadkirk seemed a little swan-like. You know what I mean? Relaxed and laughing, enjoying themselves. You’d never guess how much they had done to help the festival flow so smoothly.

At midday there were 500 freshly baked scones; halved and served with a generous dollop of cream and strawberries on the Friends refreshment stall. This stall was popular from the start of the festival. Apologies to those who came after 2.30pm. By then we’d sold out! Fortunately there were plenty of other goodies to be enjoyed. Tables clustered in the walled garden and outside the Chapel were busy throughout the afternoon.

In the morning sunshine over 30 stalls clustered in the walled garden and lined the lawn.


Down by the river


Opening ceremony 2012… Chadkirk Bridge