Opening ceremony 2012… Chadkirk Bridge

Not an extravaganza.

There were no fireworks or dancers, no cast of thousands.

Nevertheless… it was a very British event.

Sunshine and showers. Brollies up. Brollies down.

A gathering of the mildly interested mixing with enthusiasts and passers by.

Lots of dogs and their walkers.*

There were speeches, of course. Though for most of those assembled odd words drifted…and…you…thanks… the rest was carried away downstream. Still, we waited patiently, with gentle anticipation. I gather there was a Big Cheese from Sustrans and a local sporting hero. Though no ribbon to cut or bottles of bubbly to smash, once the speeches ended there was the pleasure of being amongst the first across Chadkirk Bridge and a new view upstream.

Given that the project was envisioned by Sustrans it was fitting that a group of cyclists from Chorlton were amongst the first wave.

Standing patiently, horse riders wait their turn. In future the traffic will flow and passing places on the bridge allow room for horses, bikes, walkers and dogs to cross.

As Ted said…No Red Arrows..though high up two Herons wheeled by in one of those lovely spells of blue skies and sunshine. All quietly satisfying. In a very British kind of way.

*Dogs (and their walkers) are also a big part of the pleasure at the Chadkirk Festival. Whether they are as well behaved as they appear, I’ve no idea. A visit to Chadkirk Festival would have you think that they are all biddable and friendly.


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